the designer that it has ample capacity and is
dependable. If existing compressor is to be reused,
so specify and indicate its location on drawings.
Compressor shall be equipped with an electric motor with a
Compressor shall have combination type magnetic starter with
undervoltage protection and thermal overload protection for each
Compressor shall be supported by a steel base mounted on
an air storage tank. Air compressor shall be sized to supply
more than one-third of the time.]
NOTE: Regarding the text below, provide duplex air
control air users or greater than 0.71 L/s 1.5 cubic
feet per minute of free air.
Compressor shall be a duplex machine. Compressor shall be
equipped with an electric motor with a totally enclosed belt
unloader or solenoid unloader, intake filter, and intake silencer.
Provide an alternator and two magnetic starters with undervoltage
protection and thermal overload protection for each phase.
Compressors shall be supported on a steel base mounted on an air
of the time.]
Compressed air storage tank shall be fabricated for working
pressure of not less than 1379 kPa (gage) 200 psig, and
constructed and certified in accordance with ASME BPVC SEC. Tank
shall be of sufficient volume so that no more than six compressor
starts per hour are required with the starting pressure switch
differential set at 138 kPa 20 psi differential. Tank shall be
provided with an automatic condensate drain trap with a manual
override feature.
Compressed Air Station Specialties
the air outlet line of the air storage tank. Dryer shall be sized
for full air delivery capacity of compressor. Air shall be dried
at a pressure of not less than 483 kPa (gage) 70 psig to a
temperature not greater than 2 degrees C 35 degrees F. Dryer
shall be provided with an automatic condensate drain trap with a
manual override feature.
Two parallel combination dirt and coalescing type oil filters with
dryer discharge. Air filtration system shall be rated for full
delivery capacity of compressor. Filter shall be 100 percent
efficient for particle diameters down to 0.3 microns. Filter bowl
shall be rated for 1034 kPa (gage) 150 psig maximum working
pressure. One of the filters shall serve as a standby. Pressure
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