NOTE: Indicate which type of controller is required
for each application.
Single-Loop Controllers
NOTE: Indicate single-loop controllers for
applications where proportional-integral (PI) modes
or proportional-integral-derivative (PID) modes are
required or where the need for either mode is
anticipated. Indicate single-loop controllers where
one or two contact outputs are required to be
operated in response to changes in process variable
input signals for control application.
Controller Features
Controller shall be a microprocessor-based, single-loop device that does
not require Contractor-generated software. Controller shall conform to FCC
Part 15. Controller panel cutout shall be 92 by 92 mm 3.62 by 3.62 inches.
Controller shall have field selectable range for process variables, a
remote setpoint analog input and analog output with adjustable high and low
end limits, and proportional control manual reset adjustment.
output shall result from PID control. Analog output shall be configurable
as direct acting and reverse acting. Controller shall have keyboard,
display, auto/manual selection for control of analog output, and remote
setpoint adjustment/local setpoint adjustment selection. Controller shall
have adjustable high-end and low-end limits, ratio, and bias adjustments on
remote setpoint input; operator initiated self-tune/manual-tune selection,
anti-reset wind-up feature, and two configurable independent SPDT with
adjustable system contact closure outputs. Controller shall be
configurable to power-up in manual with local setpoint control, in
automatic with local setpoint control, and in automatic with remote
setpoint control. Contact closures shall be activated by a process
variable and by a process variable deviation from setpoint as configured.
The range of hysteresis adjustment shall not be smaller than 1 percent to 5
percent of process variable input span. Controller shall power the analog
output loop to 20 mA where connected to a load of 600 ohms. Controller
shall have 5-year battery backup or shall have nonvolatile memory to store
Controller Parameter Input and Display
Control parameters shall be entered and displayed directly, in the correct
engineering units, through a series of keystrokes on a front panel display
with a 3 1/2-digit, seven-segment display, with decimal point and polarity
indication. Use of the display shall allow manual interrogation of
setpoint, mode constants, and values of process variables and outputs.
Controller Electrical Requirements
Controller shall be powered by 120 Vac. Controller shall provide
electrical noise isolation, not less than 100 dB at 60 Hz common mode
rejection ratio, and not less than 60 dB at 60 Hz normal mode rejection
ratio between ac power line and process variable input, remote setpoint
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