Casing Attachment
Attach aluminum casing to the steel structural members by means of No. 14
stainless steel series 300 self-tapping screws on 300 mm 12 inch centers.
Fasten vertical laps and flashing by means of 10 mm 3/4 inch No. 14
stainless steel series 300 sheet metal screws on 300 mm 12 inch centers.
Exposed screws shall have aluminum or stainless steel backed neoprene
washers preassembled to screws. Installation shall be such that the
insulation is not compressed below nominal thickness.
Field testing of the equipment provided under this contract shall include
the tests specified herein. Field testing will be performed by the
Contractor and observed by the Contractor's field representatives as
the equipment fails to perform as required by this specification during any
of these tests due to any deficiency in the Contractor's work, the cost of
any repairs and any retesting required as a result of such deficiency shall
be borne by the Contractor.
Hydrostatic Tests
After erection, piping systems shall be given a hydrostatic test 50 percent
in excess of the design working pressure in accordance with the ASME BPVC
SEC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes (Sections I, II, V, VIII, and IX) and
conducted before any piping systems are encased by jacketing or insulation.
Contractor shall provide cold water for the tests and suitable disposal
facilities for wastewater after tests are complete. Contracting Officer
has option to provide or not provide cold water or disposal facilities.
Contractor shall furnish necessary equipment and materials required for
testing including pumps, gages, temporary blank-off plates, gaskets,
anchors, and bracing required to conduct tests. Contractor shall furnish
and install an accurate pressure recorder and continuously record the
install adequate relief valves to limit the maximum pressure that can be
developed during the hydrostatic test to the specified test pressure. Tanks
will by hydrostatically tested with clear water by filling to not less than
150 mm six inches from the tank top. Welds at tank bottom will be tested
using a bubble technique, as specified in ASTM E 515.
Smoke Tests
Spray dryer absorber vessels, fabric filter baghouse modules and breeching
will be given a smoke test with smoke bombs producing a larger volume than
available in the FGD system. The purpose of this test is to detect leaks
due to shop and field welding and at expansion joints around seals. Test
will be made by sealing gas inlets, outlets, and other openings. Pressure
Testing equipment and materials will be provided by the Contractor. Perform
testing prior to the placement of insulation and lagging. Leaks found
during the test will be repaired and the equipment will be retested until
complete system is acceptable. Conduct tests at a pressure of 1245 Pa 5
inches W.C. Measure pressure with a suitable water manometer.
High-intensity white smoke bombs shall be used to provide the means for
leak detection. Contractor shall provide equipment and materials required
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