Factory Tests
conformance with NEMA MG 1, and IEEE Std 112 or IEEE Std 114. Tests shall
No-load current and speed tests at normal voltage and frequency,
high potential test, and
standard factory tests.
Perform factory tests on each motor rated above 460 volts in accordance
with ANSI C50.41 and IEEE Std 112. Tests shall include:
no-load test with readings of current, power, and nominal speed at
mechanical vibration test,
direction of rotation versus phase sequence test,
high-potential test.
Provide self cleaning ductwork for the Flue Gas Cleaning System from the
economizer outlet to the stack inlet as indicated, including fabric filter
baghouse reverse gas ducts, if required, complete with necessary expansion
joints, transitions, structural slide bearings, dampers, turning vanes, and
support steel. Provide 100 mm 4 inch pipe coupling test ports upstream and
downstream of each spray dryer absorber and upstream of each guillotine
system isolation damper. Test ports in horizontal ductwork shall be
located in the side of the ductwork and test ports shall be of sufficient
length to extend 102 mm 4 inches beyond the insulation and lagging to be
provided by the Contractor. Test ports shall be Schedule 40 316 stainless
steel, pipe conforming to ASTM A 167 with screw plugs. Coat each plug with
antiseize lubricant suitable for service at the design temperature
extremes. Exact locations and number and arrangement of ports at each
location shall be determined by the Contractor following the model test.
Except for the ductwork between the spray dryer absorber and the fabric
filter baghouse, duct runs in which the Contractor intends to locate test
ports shall be arranged to conform to at least the minimum requirements of
U.S. EPA Regulation 40 CFR 60, Method 1, relative to the spacing between
test port locations and flow disturbances in the upstream and downstream
directions. Final location and arrangement is subject to approval of the
Contracting Officer. Structural design temperature range for ductwork
shall be [_____] to [_____] degrees C degrees F. Long ductwork sections
shall contain hoppers, clean-out doors, and structural support due to dust
drop out. Ductwork and support steel shall be designed such that no loads
will be applied to the ductwork provided by the Contractor at the interface
points. The expansion joints, bolts, nuts, backing bars and gasketing at
interface connections shall be by the Contractor. Carbon steel ductwork,
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