lugs evenly around the door perimeter including the hinged side, minimum
one lug per 305 mm foot of door perimeter, to assure uniform gasket
pressure around the entire door periphery. Provide permanently attached
caution signs and opening instructions at each door for operating
personnel. Locate walkways between rows of bags maintaining minimum 13 mm
1/2 inch clearance with the bags inflated, to prevent bags from coming into
contact with the walkways and wearing out, and maintaining a maximum
three-bag reach. Provide upper access walkways one meter 3 feet below the
upper support frame. Provide a minimum 1 .22 meters 4 feet crawl space
above the upper support frame.]
[Access to Pulse Jet System Bags
Provide each compartment with interior walkways and access doors to allow
access to the bags and bag support. Interior walkways shall be minimum
610 mm 24 inches wide with kickplates. Access doors shall be minimum 508
by 1118 mm 20 by 44 inch with external bolt-down lugs and safety
interlocks, and as specified in the above paragraph. Space lugs evenly
around the door perimeter including the hinged side, minimum one lug per
foot of door perimeter, to assure uniform gasket pressure around the entire
door periphery. Provide permanently attached caution signs and opening
instructions at each door for operating personnel. Locate lower walkways
between rows of bags to maintain a maximum three-bag reach. Locate the
lower walkways 152 mm 6 inches below the lower end of the bags to prevent
bags from coming into contact with the walkways and wearing out. Provide
upper access walkways along the floor of the outlet plenum.
Exterior Access Provisions
Provide ladders, stairs, walkways, and platforms, including supporting
steel, handrails, kickplates, electrical lights, and electrical outlets, to
manholes, inspection doors, and access doors. Design ladders, stairs,
walkways, and platforms for live loads, as specified in paragraph entitled
"Design Criteria." Provide walking surfaces on the roof for periodic
equipment maintenance or inspection areas. Provide a 1829 by 2109 mm 72 by
83 inches uninsulated double utility door to each weather enclosure.
Ladders shall be minimum 457 mm 1 foot 6 inches wide with 20 mm 3/4 inch
diameter rungs spaced at 305 mm 12 inch on centers and minimum 10 by 65 mm
3/8 by 2 1/2 inch side rails.
Stairs shall be open risers with a minimum 229 mm 9 inch grate tread,
minimum 0.91 m 3 foot width, and a maximum 203 mm 8 inch rise. Design for
610 km/m2 125 psf live load or 454 kg 1,000 pound moving concentrated load,
whichever is greater. Provide 40 mm 1 1/2 inch diameter black standard
weight pipe, ASTM A 53, Type E or Type S, handrails along both sides of
stairs. Top handrail shall be 762 to 813 mm 2 feet 6 inches to 2 feet 8
inches above edge of tread. Main bars shall be 25 by 5 mm 1 by 3/16 inch.
Use serrate main bars for outdoor use. Support stairs at bearing bars with
tack welded 65 by 5 mm 2 1/2 by 3/16 inch carrier plates.
Provide minimum 610 mm 2 feet walkways in Class 2 areas. Other walkways
shall be minimum 0.91 m 3 feet. Design for 488 kg/m2 100 psf live loads
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