Inlet Gas Conditions
1. To properly apply their equipment, the
precipitator manufacturer must know the expected
inlet gas conditions. For new equipment this
information can be best supplied by the boiler
manufacturer, incinerator manufacturer, and
2. In determining the inlet gas conditions for
existing installations, source testing should be
performed to determine the gas flow and contents.
Gas volume determinations should be made EPA Methods
1-4 in 40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A. For particulate
size distribution an actual sample should be taken
and analyzed in accordance with ASME PTC 28,
"Determining the Properties of Fine Particulate
Matter." For particulate loading only, use EPA
Method 5 or 17.
3. For new installations, the inlet gas conditions
should be obtained from the manufacturer. If this
is not possible, the gas contents must be estimated.
When estimates are made, the emission factors and
handbook data should be taken from U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Publication no.
Emission Factors," with the latest supplements.
Correction for expected combustible content should
be made. Source testing should be conducted in
accordance with the applicable portion of EPA 40 CFR
60, Appendix A or applicable local standard.
NOTE: Supply excess air percentage for incinerator
Provide electrostatic precipitator(s) for entire operating range of gas
conditions from the [boiler(s)] [incinerator(s)] [mechanical cyclone-type
dust collector] specified above. The electrostatic precipitator inlet gas
conditions shall be:
Inlet gas volume, L/s
Inlet gas temperature,
degrees C
Inlet gas density,
kg per cubic meter
Inlet gas moisture,
percent by weight
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