Government. Chemicals used and method of treatment shall be approved by
the Contracting Officer.
NOTE: Where identification of piping is required by
the using service, this paragraph will be amplified
to include appropriate requirements, either directly
or by reference to a separate section.
Ferrous metal surfaces not specified to be coated at the factory shall be
cleaned, prepared, and painted as specified in Section 09900 PAINTS AND
COATINGS. Exposed pipe covering shall be painted as specified in Section
09900 PAINTS AND COATINGS. Aluminum lagging over insulation shall not be
The Contractor shall submit framed instructions under glass or in laminated
plastic, including wiring and control diagrams showing the complete layout
of the entire system, to be posted where directed. Condensed operating
checking the system for normal safe operation, and procedures for safely
starting and stopping the system shall be prepared in typed form, framed as
specified above for the wiring and control diagrams, and posted beside the
diagrams. The framed instructions shall be posted before acceptance
testing of the systems.
-- End of Section --
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