shall bear on the top chord of the roof trusses and bearing shall be over
gusset plates of top chord. Stabilize beam by connection to roof purlin
along bottom flange.]
Methods of Attachment
Clamp, or weld when approved, attachment to building structural steel in
accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M. Construct masonry anchors selected for
overhead applications of ferrous materials only. Install masonry anchors
in rotary, non-percussion, electric drilled holes. Self-drilling anchors
selected and applied in such a manner as to prevent concrete spalling or
Welding test agenda shall be done in accordance with the applicable
provisions of AWS D1.1/D1.1M and AWS D1.3.
Test Ports
NOTE: The designer shall indicate on the drawings
the location of test ports required for proper
testing, including static pressure, velocity
pressure, and test openings for sampling discharge
stack or duct. See ACGIH 2092 for recommendations
in the chapter on testing.
Provide test access ports at points required for work under paragraph
entitled "Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing," in this section. Locate test
ports in straight duct as far as practical downstream of fans, change of
direction fittings, takeoffs, interior to duct accessories, and like
turbulent flow areas.
Ductwork Cleaning
Protect duct openings from construction debris using temporary caps,
flanges, or other approved means. Clean dirty duct interior with high
velocity water and oil-free air streams or by vacuum cleaning as required
by project conditions. [Test watertight duct work for proper support,
leakage, and unacceptable drainage provisions by intermittently spraying
interior with garden hose nozzle, at a rate of 0.2 liter per second 3
gallons per minute, exercising care to prevent excessive water
accumulation.] After construction is complete but accessible and prior to
acceptance, remove all construction debris from exterior surfaces. Do not
close duct inspection ports until inspected by the Contracting Officer.
Protective Coating Work
General Requirements for Protective Coating Work
Provide protective coating on interior [and exterior] surfaces of [_____]
[and] [interior] [and] [exterior] surfaces of [_____] with [_____] system
as specified hereafter. Prime coat exterior surfaces of [_____] [and]
[_____] with [_____] [inorganic zinc coating as part of work under this
section] [.] [, for field finishing of exterior surfaces as part of work
under Section [09900] PAINTS AND COATINGS.] Brush primer, or protective
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