enclosure shall be [dripproof] [totally enclosed] type. Motor starters
shall be [manual] [magnetic] across-the-line type with [general purpose]
[weather resistant] [watertight] enclosure. [Remote manual switch with
pilot indicating light shall be provided where indicated.] Fans and motors
shall be provided with vibration isolation supports or mountings. Fan
scroll and wheel shall be constructed of galvanized steel, aluminum,
stainless steel or polymeric material with a stainless steel, hot-dip zinc
coated steel, or cadmium coated steel shaft. Fan scroll may be made of a
different material than the wheel. Fans shall have air delivery ratings
based on tests by an AMCA approved laboratory to the AMCA 210.
One or more banks of spray nozzles, flooding nozzles, water piping, spray
banks of spray nozzles shall be as required to produce the specified
efficiency. Spray nozzles shall be self-cleaning, centrifugal type,
constructed of brass, and provided with removable caps for cleaning.
nozzles. The spray pumps shall be centrifugal type with capacity and
static pressure required for the spray equipment provided. Pump motor
shall be a [dripproof] [totally enclosed] type suitable for the available
electric service and provided with the thermal overload protection. Motor
starter shall be [manual] [magnetic] across-the-line type with [general
purpose] [weather resistant] [watertight] enclosure. Unless otherwise
indicated, all piping materials and installations shall be in conformance
Evaporative Cells
Cells shall consist of galvanized steel, stainless steel or polymeric
material frames packed with [glass fiber] [bonded synthetic fiber]
[nonferrous metal] screens, arranged in tiers. Media shall be of the type
specifically manufactured for the use with air washers. Nonferrous metal
media shall be constructed of corrosion and fungus resistant material not
susceptible to decomposition by fungal or bacterial action. Each tier
shall be independent of the others and shall have a separate spray header,
drain sheet and drain conduit to the tank below.
NOTE: If the velocity over the media is less than
2.5 m/s (500 fpm), this paragraph may be deleted.
Eliminators shall consist of vertical plates having a series of bends
presenting a large surface area against which the water drops impinge and
return down to the tank. Eliminator plates shall be constructed of
galvanized steel or polymeric material and shall be positioned at both top
and bottom. The eliminators shall be designed to prevent water carryover.
Water tanks
shall be constructed of stainless steel, polymeric material, or
minimum G90
galvanized steel and welds shall be coated with zinc-rich
paint. The
tank shall be provided with a means for drainage, a makeup
a float-operated valve, an overflow connection and, when
required, a
recirculating pump suction connection. The float valve shall
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