Condenser, Water-Cooled, Integral
Provide cleanable tube-in-tube condenser with [copper] [70/30
copper-nickel] coolant wetted surfaces and coolant regulating valve.
condenser rating on coolant fouling factor of [0.0005] [0.001].
Condenser-Receiver, Water-Cooled, Integral
NOTE: Normally 70/30 copper nickel performance is
superior to 90/10 copper nickel in brackish and salt
water. Where conditions are not detrimental to
90/10 copper nickel, incorporate same as an
alternative acceptable material. Use the higher
fouling factor for open systems.
Provide cleanable shell and tube condenser-receiver with [copper] [70/30
copper-nickel] tubes and coolant regulating valve. Base condenser rating
on coolant fouling factor of [0.0005.] [0.001.]
Control Panels
NOTE: Verify that reverse-phase, and phase
imbalance protection provisions are available in
sizes under 70 kW 20 tons. Check with manufacturers
before specifying other than across-the-line
Control panels and electrical components shall conform to NFPA 70,NEMA ICS 1,
NEMA ICS 2, NEMA ICS 3, NEMA ICS 4 and NEMA ICS 6, and mounted in a NEMA
ICS 6, Type 1 enclosure. Electrical controls shall include [[fused]
for ambient temperatures as recommended by the manufacturer; reverse phase
protection where necessary to preclude damage; single-phase and
phase-imbalance protection; low voltage protection; manual reset on power
interruption or safety shutdown; [power factor correction capacitors;]
[defrost controls;] [local and remote audible and visual alarms with
provisions to silence;] short cycling control with lock-out timer; time
delay for sequenced compressor starts; remote component interface; and
intercomponent wiring to terminal blocks with 10 spares. Provide stranded
copper wire of required ampacity and insulation at encountered
temperatures. Identify wires at terminal points.
Base Mounting
located on top of walk-in boxes, mount on spring
vibration isolators. Weight of inertia block shall
be an engineered solution accommodating site
Mount compressors and components on a rigid, fabricated steel [base,]
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