Consideration will be given to the unique
installation and space requirements of various NOx
reduction systems. LNB may or may not require
pressure port modifications. FGR involves routing
large ductwork. OFA is very effective and involves
modification to pressure parts. Fuel staging
requires pressure port modifications for reburn fuel
injection and/or OFA ports.
Boiler shall be designed to burn [gas] [oil] [combination gas and oil].
Each boiler shall comply with Federal, state, and local emission
regulations. As a minimum, the following emission requirements shall be
(ppm) corrected to 3% 02].
(ppm) corrected to 3% 02].
Particulate - [[_____] kg per joule lb per million Btu input] [parts per
million (ppm) corrected to 3% 02].
NOTE: If No. 4, 5, or 6 oil will be one of the
fuels, requirements for burners and accessories for
these heavy oils will be inserted in the project
Gas and Combination Gas-Oil Fired Burners and Controls
Burners shall be UL approved [mechanical draft burners with all air
necessary for combustion supplied by a blower where the operation is
coordinated with the burner] [natural draft/atmospheric burners]. Burner
shall be provided complete with fuel supply system in conformance with the
following safety codes or standards:
Gas-fired units with inputs greater than 0.117 MW 400,000 Btuh per
than 3.66 MW 12,500,000 Btuh input shall conform to ANSI Z21.13.]
[Single and multiple burner gas-fired units greater than or equal
to 3.66 MW 12,500,000 Btuh input shall conform to NFPA 85.]
Combination gas and oil-fired units shall conform to UL 296.
[Combination gas and oil-fired units less than 3.66 MW 12,500,000
Btuh input shall conform to ASME CSD-1.] [Single and multiple
burner combination gas and oil-fired units equal to or greater
than 3.66 MW 12,500,000 Btuh input shall conform to NFPA 85.]
Oil-Fired Burners and Controls
Oil-fired burners and controls for oil-fired units firing No. [_____] oil
shall be atomizing, forced-draft type in conformance with UL 726.
[Oil-fired units less than 3.66 MW 12,500,000 Btuh input shall conform to
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