otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall submit
System Diagrams as specified in the Submittals paragraph.
Ductwork Leak Test
NOTE: This paragraph may be omitted where all
ductwork is constructed to static pressure Class
125, 250, or 500 Pa (1/2, 1 or 2 inch w.g.).
Otherwise leakage rate will be derived for each
system to be tested based on procedure outlined in
SMACNA Leakage Test Mnl for Seal Class A. If
round/oval metal ductwork only is specified, C sub
L=3 will be used, otherwise C sub L=6 may be used.
The value of P used will be equal to the highest
duct static pressure class; i.e., 3, 4, 6, or 10,
for the ductwork to be tested. Where major
components such as fans, coils, filters, etc. will
be included in the ductwork test, an appropriate
allowance will be included in the maximum allowable
leakage rate.
Ductwork leak test shall be performed for the entire air distribution
system, including fans, coils, [filters, etc.] [filters etc. designated as
static pressure Class 750 Pa 3 inch w.g. through Class 2500 Pa 10 in w.g.].
Test procedure, apparatus, and report shall conform to SMACNA Leakage Test
Mnl. The maximum allowable leakage rate is [_____] L/s cfm. Ductwork leak
test shall be completed with satisfactory results prior to applying
insulation to ductwork exterior.
Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing
Testing, adjusting, and balancing shall be as specified in Section 15990A
balancing shall begin only when the air supply and distribution, including
controls, has been completed, with the exception of performance tests.
Performance Tests
After testing, adjusting, and balancing has been completed as specified,
each system shall be tested as a whole to see all items perform as integral
parts of the system and temperatures and conditions are evenly controlled
throughout the building. Corrections and adjustments shall be conducted by
an experienced engineer. Tests shall cover a period of not less than
[_____] days for each system and shall demonstrate that the entire system
is functioning according to the specifications. Coincidental chart
recordings shall be made at points indicated on the drawings for the
duration of the time period and shall record the temperature at space
thermostats or space sensors, the humidity in a shaded and weather
protected area.
NOTE: The number of hours of instruction should be
determined based on the number and complexity of the
systems specified.
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