instructions. After specified boiling period, boiler shall be allowed to
cool, after which boiler shall be drained and thoroughly flushed. Finally,
piping shall be cleaned by operating boiler for period of approximately 48
hours with 100 percent (100%) makeup water, wasting the steam and
Boiler Water Conditioning
Boiler water conditioning by chemical treatment and blowdown shall be
system, through testing period, and to final acceptance of completed work
by the Government. Chemicals used and method of treatment shall be
approved by Contracting Officer.
Fuel Oil Leak Test
Fuel oil leak tests for the underground portion of the system shall be
conducted in accordance with Section 13202 FUEL STORAGE SYSTEMS.
Services of a manufacturer's representative who is experienced in
provided. Representative shall supervise installing, adjusting, and
testing of equipment. Contractor personnel will not be allowed to render
specified services. Manufacturer's test representatives shall be on
manufacturer's payroll on a continuing eight hour pay basis, especially
trained, and regularly rendering such services.
NOTE: Consult equipment manufacturer for hours
required to train plant personnel for equipment
operation and then insert the hours.
Field training course shall be provided for designated operating
staff members. Training shall be provided for a total period of
[_____] hours of normal working time and shall start after system
is functionally complete, but prior to final acceptance tests.
Field training shall cover items contained in approved operation
and maintenance instructions as well as demonstrations of routine
maintenance operations. Contracting Officer shall be notified in
writing at least 14 days prior to
[_____] days of training for [_____] of Government's
representatives at [plant site] [factory]. Training shall
include, but not be limited by following:
1. Use of operating console display; their interface with
process; their aid in system diagnostics; all with hands on
experience with equipment for trainees.
2. Training to emphasize process control techniques, with
demonstrations to show variations that can be implemented with
algorithms and system configuration instructions.
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