Percent of Capacity
Waterwall and
Time (Minimum)
Watertube Boilers
and Boilers
the boiler shall be as specified.
c. The efficiency and general performance tests on the boilers shall
be conducted by a qualified test engineer, and observed by the
Contracting Officer. All testing apparatus shall be set up,
calibrated, tested, and ready for testing the boiler before the arrival
of the Contracting Officer.
Calibration curves or test results furnished by an independent
testing laboratory of each instrument, meter, gauge, and thermometer to
be used in efficiency and capacity tests shall be furnished before the
test. A test report including logs, heat-balance calculations, and
tabulated results together with conclusions shall be delivered in
quadruplicate. An analysis of the fuel being burned on the test shall
be submitted to the Contracting Officer.
e. The analysis shall include all pertinent data tabulated in the ASME
PTC 4 abbreviated efficiency test. Necessary temporary test piping not
less than 100 mm 4 inches in diameter and steam silencer to exhaust
excess steam to atmosphere, in the event the boiler load is
insufficient to meet the capacity specified, shall be provided.
Control valve for exhausting excess steam to atmosphere shall be
provided in a convenient location inside the boiler room. Instruments
required for conducting the boiler tests are contained in ASME PTC 19.11.
Test of Fuel Burning Equipment
Test of fuel burning equipment shall demonstrate that equipment installed
will meet the requirements of the specifications. Oil burners shall meet
the test requirements of UL 296. The accuracy range and smoothness of
operation of the combustion controls shall be demonstrated by varying the
demand throughout the entire firing range required by the turndown ratio
specified for the [burner] [and] [stoker] and, in the case of automatic
sequenced burners, by further varying the firing rate to require on-off
cycling. The control accuracy shall be as specified. The specified
turndown ratio shall be verified by firing at the minimum firing rate. The
operation of the flame safeguard control shall be verified by simulated
flame and ignition failures.
Test of Deaerating Feedwater Heater
Test of deaerating feedwater heater shall demonstrate that the equipment
installed shall meet the requirements specified as to performance,
capacity, and quality of effluent. During the operating test of the
boilers, tests shall be conducted to determine oxygen content in accordance
with ASTM D 888, Method A. Boilers shall be operated at varying loads up
to maximum heater capacity while oxygen tests are being made.
Test of Water Treatment Equipment
Test of water treatment equipment shall meet the requirements specified as
to capacity and quality of effluent. Tests for ion-exchange units shall
cover at least two complete regenerations and capacity runs.
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