the bottom of the tank. The system shall be operated by an approved type
of external electric float switch connected to the tank. The signal lamp
and bell shall be mounted where directed. The deaerating feedwater heater
shall have a capacity of [_____] pounds of water per hour at a discharge
temperature of [_____] degrees F at the following inlet conditions:
Temperature range
Flow rate
(deg C)
Condensate return
High-pressure trap returns
Makeup water
Temperature range
Flow rate
(deg F)
Condensate return
High-pressure trap returns
Makeup water
NOTE: The design engineer, when designating
steam-using equipment or special steam applications,
will indicate the type of steam trap required in
accordance with the following data:
a. Inverted Bucket Traps: This type of trap
continuously vents air and carbon dioxide at steam
temperature and is recommended for modulating loads.
The bucket floats on steam to close the outlet and
sinks into condensate to open the condensate outlet.
Any trapped air is discharged first into the
condensate return line and is followed by condensate
discharge. This type of trap has the longest life
on systems under modulated control. When large
amounts of air are anticipated, an external
thermostatic air vent should be installed on a line
bypassing the trap to bleed air from the steam line
and discharge it to the condensate return line.
This system will give optimum performance at low
steam pressures with maximum dependability. These
traps will handle condensate from fan coil units
where condensate must be lifted to return lines
located above the equipment. They operate best at
near full load conditions where loads do not vary
over a wide range. Before operation, traps must be
primed by filling them with water.
Vertical Open-Top Bucket Trap:
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