Test of Water Treatment Equipment
Test of water treatment equipment shall meet the requirements specified for
capacity and quality of effluent. Tests for ion-exchange units shall cover
at least two complete regenerations and capacity runs.
System Balancing
During operating tests, the preliminary system balancing results shall be
observed and flow rates logged. Where an auxiliary heat exchanger is not
required for the test load, final system balancing shall be accomplished
during the operating test. Where the auxiliary heat exchanger is required,
sufficient temporary piping shall be provided to shunt the water flow
through the various system control valves to allow an approximate flow
balance of the system.
HTW Generator Cleaning
operating tests, the boilers shall be thoroughly and effectively cleaned of
foreign materials. Wherever possible, surfaces in contact with water shall
be wire brushed to remove loose material. The Contractor may use the
following procedure or may submit his own standard procedure for review and
approval by the Contracting Officer. HTW generators shall be filled with a
solution consisting of the following proportional ingredients for every
3785 liters 1000 gallons of water, and operated at approximately 210 to 345
kPa 30 to 50 psig for a period of 24 to 48 hours:
a. 11 kg caustic soda 24 lb. caustic soda; 3.6 kg sodium nitrate 8 lb.
sodium nitrate; 11 kg disodium phosphate, anhydrous 24 lb. disodium
phosphate, anhydrous; and 230 g approved wetting agent 1/2 lb. approved
wetting agent.
b. Chemicals in the above proportions, or as otherwise approved, shall
be thoroughly dissolved in the water before being placed in the HTW
generator. After the specified boiling period, the boilers shall be
allowed to cool, and then drained and thoroughly flushed. Piping shall
be cleaned by operating the HTW generators for a period of
approximately 48 hours.
HTW Generator Water Conditioning
The Contractor shall provide HTW generator water conditioning including
chemicals, chemical treatment, and blowdown during periods of boiler
operation to prevent scale and corrosion in HTW generators and in supply
and return distribution systems from the initial startup of the system,
through the testing period, and to final acceptance of the completed work,
but for at least 30 days of operation. Approved chemicals and method of
treatment shall be used.
Manufacturer's Representative
Services of a manufacturer's representative who is experienced in the
installation, adjustment, and operation of the equipment specified shall be
provided. The representative shall supervise the installing, adjusting,
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