designer (either Corps office or A/E) is the
Engineer of Record, and show on the drawings.
Delete the bracketed phrase if seismic details are
not provided. Sections 13080 and 15070A, properly
edited, must be included in the contract documents.
Piping and attached valves shall be supported and braced to resist seismic
loads [as specified under Sections 13080 SEISMIC PROTECTION FOR
EQUIPMENT] [as shown]. Structural steel required for reinforcement to
properly support piping, headers, and equipment, but not shown, shall be
provided under this section. Material used for supports shall be as
specified under Section 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL.
Structural Reinforcements
Structural steel reinforcements required to support piping, headers, and
equipment, but not shown, shall be provided under this section. Material
and installation shall be as specified under Section 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL.
Anchors shall be provided wherever necessary, or indicated, to localize
expansion or prevent undue strain on piping. Anchors shall consist of
heavy steel collars with lugs and bolts for clamping and attaching anchor
braces, unless otherwise indicated. Anchor braces shall be installed in
the most effective manner to secure the desired results, using turnbuckles
where required. Supports, anchors, or stays shall not be attached where
they will injure the structure or adjacent construction during installation
or by the weight of expansion of the pipeline.
Pipe Expansion
Expansion Loop
NOTE: Wherever possible, provisions for expansion
of supply-and-return pipes will be made by changes
in the direction of the run of the pipe or by field
fabricated expansion bends. Where restrictions in
space prevent such provisions for expansion,
expansion joints will be installed and blank will
filled as appropriate. Bracketed portion will be
deleted if inapplicable.
Expansion loop shall provide adequate expansion of the main straight runs
of the system within the stress limits specified in ASME B31.1. The loop
shall be cold sprung and installed where indicated. Pipe guides shall be
provided as indicated. Except where otherwise indicated, expansion loops
and bends shall be utilized to absorb and compensate for expansion and
contraction instead of expansion joints.
Expansion Joints
NOTE: If expansion joints are required, this
paragraph will be deleted. Where restrictions in
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