with corrosion resistant trim and valve seats. The valves shall be
properly guided and shall be positive closing so that no leakage can
result. Adjustment of the desired back pressure shall cover the range
between 13 to 70 kPa 2 to 10 psig. The adjustment shall be made externally
and any shafts extending through the valve body shall be provided with
adjustable stuffing boxes having renewable packing.
Exhaust heads for the discharge of flash steam to atmosphere shall be
one-piece construction of steel plate, semisteel, or cast-iron with
suitable baffle arrangement for the removal of entrained condensate and
oil, and with drain connection. Flow area through unit shall be larger
than connecting pipe.
The strainer body connections shall be the same size as the pipelines in
which the connections are installed. The strainer bodies shall be heavy
and durable cast steel. The bodies shall have arrows clearly cast on the
sides to indicate the direction of flow. Each strainer shall be equipped
with an easily removable cover and sediment basket. The basket shall be
not less than 0.063 mm 0.0025 inch thick stainless steel with enough small
perforations to provide a net free area through the basket of at least 3.30
times that of the entering pipe. The flow shall be into the basket and out
through the perforations.
Pipe Hangers, Inserts, and Supports
Pipe hangers, inserts, and supports shall conform to MSS SP-58 and MSS SP-69,
except as modified herein.
Types 5, 12, and 26
Types 5, 12, and 26 shall not be used.
Type 3
Type 3 shall not be used on insulated pipe which has a vapor barrier. Type
3 may be used on insulated pipe that does not have a vapor barrier if
clamped directly to the pipe and if the clamp bottom does not extend
through the insulation and the top clamp attachment does not contact the
insulation during pipe movement.
Type 18
placed. Continuous inserts which allow more adjustment may be used if they
otherwise meet the requirements for Type 18 inserts.
Types 19 and 23
Types 19 and 23 C-clamps shall be torqued per MSS SP-69 and have both
locknuts and retaining devices furnished by the manufacturer.
Field-fabricated C-clamp bodies or retaining devices are not acceptable.
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