of the liner shall be minus 40 to plus 82 degrees C 180 degrees F,
when applied to a thickness of 3 mm 1/8 inch.
(2) Refractory Lining: Potassium silicate single component
chemically hardened cement or two component potassium silicate
bonded cement with an inert filler material such as silica, or
suitable similar material, gunite applied or cast monolithic
insulating refractory, suitable for use on flue gas from 66
degrees C 150 degrees F and up to 232 degrees C 450 degrees F and
resistant to continuous exposure of sulfuric acid, nitric and
nitrous acid, carbonic acid and other liquids, in the pH range of
1.6 to 8 and formed when the surface of the stack is at a
temperature at and below the flue gas dewpoint.
(3) Membrane/Refractory Lining Certification: Manufacturers of
the membrane liner and the refractory lining shall certify that
the lining system to be provided in the stack shall be suitable
for the specific application, considering the flue gas
temperature, velocities, moisture content and corrosive qualities
of the fuel being burned.
(4) Refractory Lining Anchor System: Tinned metal anchors welded
to the stack wall, or wire mesh fabric welded to anchors welded to
stack wall, shall support the refractory lining of the stack.
Tinned anchor system shall have anchors welded to stack shell on
vertical spacing not greater than 200 mm 8 inches on center and
horizontal spacing not greater than 100 mm 4 inches on center, in
staggered rows to provide a minimum of 48 4.5 anchors per square
meter foot. Wire mesh fabric shall be No. 10 or 12 wire gage made
into a welded fabric approximately 50 by 50 mm 2 by 2 inches mesh
size. Mesh shall be welded to anchors o.c. not to exceed [250]
[300] mm [10] [12] inches. Mesh and anchors shall be of the same
(5) After anchor system is welded in place, blast clean entire
inside surface of stack including stack base, and anchor system to
a white metal blast finish and then coat with two coats of
membrane liner to a total minimum thickness of 3 mm 1/8 inch. The
stack base shall be included in the coating system. Prior to the
installation of the refractory, spark test coated surfaces with a
holiday detector to ensure membrane is free of voids. Refractory
lining shall be trowelled on or pneumatically applied to a minimum
thickness of 76 mm 3 inches.
(6) Design of anchor system and application of refractory lining
shall permit expansion and prevent cracking of the refractory.
Manufacturer's Calculations Required for Foundation and Stack:
(1) Foundation (including bearing and moment forces)
reinforcement and anchor bolts
- Stresses due to various loading conditions including wind and
seismic loads
- Vibration and damping
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