100 Percent Testing
Test 100 percent of the medical gas outlets in rooms which are supplied
10 Percent Testing
Test 10 percent of the medical gas outlets in areas which are supplied only
with oxygen or medical air. Test such outlets to ensure the gas traversed
the greatest length of pipeline.
Contaminated Systems
Clean and retest contaminated sections with one or more contaminated
outlets. In rooms or areas where only oxygen or medical air is supplied,
retest 20 percent of the outlets including the original 10 percent first
tested. Each time contamination is found, repeat cleaning operation and
increase number of outlets tested by 10 percent until zero percent
contamination is obtained. Take care to vent purged nitrous oxide and
oxygen to outside of building, away from flames.
Holding Charges by Testing Agency
After successful completion of contamination and gas concentration tests,
shutoff valves, and cap outlets to keep systems free of contamination.
Final Alarm Tests by Testing Agency
Test and operate switches, alarms, and controls in each system with
appropriate medical gases.
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