balance, and motor torque at full load, locked rotor, pull up, and break
down. Include intercoolers, aftercoolers, and lubrication and control
systems performance. Completed unit shall be factory tested with sound
meters in accordance with CAGI S5.1. Location shall be one horizontal
meter from unit at 1.5 meters above the floor. Test shall include readings
at each octave band midpoint and the "A" scale, and shall not exceed 84 dBA
and 90 decibels at any octave band. Results of test shall be included in
the factory test report on the CAGI S5.1 format. Factory test data may be
corrected to the levels of an equivalent background noise level of 60 dBA
showing calculations for reference use.
Supervision of Testing
System and components testing shall be conducted or supervised by either a
designated authorized and factory trained representative of the compressor
manufacturer supplying the unit or a registered Mechanical Engineer
experienced in such work.
System Test
Testing of system shall conform to requirements outlined and shall be
witnessed by the Contracting Officer.
Approval of Testing Procedure
Proposed testing procedure shall be approved by the Contracting Officer and
the individual in charge of testing prior to conducting tests.
Certification of Performance Tests
The test supervisor shall certify performance by test to be in compliance
with specifications.
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and as indicated on the
drawings. All equipment shall be installed plumb and level and anchored to
structure, matching holes provided. Install the compressor under the
direct supervision of an authorized representative of the manufacturer.
NOTE: Delete or modify requirements on existing
building and weight handling equipment to suit the
assembled, run in, and tested complete before shipment to job site. [The
Contractor is advised that there are limitations to door opening sizes and
available crane lifting capacity. Crane unit is specified to permit single
lifts of complete compressor under special approval only.] Should the unit
require disassembly for installation, reassembly shall be under the direct
supervision of the compressor manufacturer's authorized representative.
Complete unit shall be mounted on a rigid single or equivalent mechanically
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