require visual inspection only, the requirements for
other nondestructive examinations should be deleted
from these paragraphs and from paragraph entitled
NOTE: Information based on Table II must be
developed and included in each project
specification. Table must clearly define the
systems to be inspected and the type of NDE
required. Revise Table II if required for the
[The Government will] [The Contractor shall] perform visual and
nondestructive examinations to detect surface and internal discontinuities
in completed welds, and submit a Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) report
meeting the requirements specified in ASME B31.1. [The Contractor shall
obtain the services of a qualified commercial inspection or testing
laboratory or technical consultant, approved by the Contracting Officer.]
Visually examine welds. Perform [radiographic,] [liquid penetrant,] [or]
[magnetic particle] examination as specified in Table II of this section.
For systems operating at 6894 kPa (gage) 1000 psig or higher, all welds
(gage) 1000 psig, perform random NDE. When examination and testing
indicate defects in a weld joint, the weld shall be repaired by a qualified
welder. Remove and replace defects as specified in ASME B31.1, unless
otherwise specified. Repair defects discovered between weld passes before
additional weld material is deposited. Whenever a defect is removed, and
repair by welding is not required, blend the affected area into the
surrounding surface, eliminating sharp notches, crevices, or corners.
After defect removal is complete and before rewelding, examine the area by
the same test methods which first revealed the defect to ensure that the
defect has been eliminated. After rewelding, reexamine the repaired area
by the same test methods originally used for that area. Any indication of
a defect shall be regarded as a defect unless reevaluation by surface
conditioning [and NDE] shows that no unacceptable defects are present. The
use of any foreign material to mask, fill in, seal, or disguise welding
defects will not be permitted.
Brazing Examinations
The Contractor shall perform brazing examinations.
Visual Examinations
(1) Check brazed joint fit-up. Diametrical clearances shall
conform to brazing procedure requirements.
(2) Check base material of pipe and fitting for conformance to
the applicable drawing or specification.
(3) Check grade of brazing alloy for conformance to the brazing
procedure before fit-up or brazing.
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