Swivel Connectors and Pipe-Connection
Fittings for Petroleum Products and LP-Gas
UL 674
Use in Division 1 Hazardous (Classified)
UL 698
(1995; Rev thru Mar 1999) Industrial
Control Equipment for Hazardous
(Classified) Locations
UL 886
(1994; Rev thru Apr 1999) Outlet Boxes and
Fittings for Use in Hazardous (Classified)
Year 2000 compliant - means computer controlled facility
components that accurately process date and time data (including,
but not limited to, calculating, comparing, and sequencing) from,
into, and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and
the years 1999 and 2000 and leap year calculations.
Contractor shall provide a complete and operational Stage II vapor recovery
system which meets the air quality laws of the State of [_____] and local
regulations. System shall be certified by the California Air Resources
Board (CARB), and shall be tested to be 95 percent efficient in controlling
VOC emissions during refueling of motor vehicles. Vapor recovery system
shall be of the [balance] [aspirator assist] [vacuum assist] design.
NOTE: Submittals must be limited to those necessary
for adequate quality control. The importance of an
item in the project should be one of the primary
factors in determining if a submittal for the item
should be required.
A "G" following a submittal item indicates that the
submittal requires Government approval. Some
submittals are already marked with a "G". Only
delete an existing "G" if the submittal item is not
complex and can be reviewed through the Contractor's
submittal is sufficiently important or complex in
context of the project.
For submittals requiring Government approval on Army
projects, a code of up to three characters within
the submittal tags may be used following the "G"
designation to indicate the approving authority.
Codes for Army projects using the Resident
Management System (RMS) are: "AE" for
Architect-Engineer; "DO" for District Office
(Engineering Division or other organization in the
District Office); "AO" for Area Office; "RO" for
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