that a flexible connection shall be used to connect the engine radiator.
Material for the connection shall be wire-reinforced fiber glass. The
connection shall be airtight.
Temperature Sensors
specified and the second paragraph if natural gas
fueled engines are specified.
[Each engine shall be equipped with coolant temperature sensors.
Temperature sensors shall provide signals for pre-high and high coolant
temperature indication and alarms.]
[Each engine shall be equipped with coolant temperature systems for both
the jacket water system and the intercooler system when the engine is
Expansion Tank
NOTE: The size of the expansion tank shall be at
least 15 percent of the coolant volume in the total
system to take care of expansion.
An expansion tank of not less than [_____] liters gal shall be furnished
for each engine. The tank shall be properly fitted for vent, overflow,
expansion, and make-up lines. The tank shall be suitable for an operating
temperature of 121 degrees C 250 degrees F and a working pressure of 860
kPa 125 psig. The tank shall be constructed of welded steel, hot-dipped
galvanized inside and outside after fabrication, tested, and stamped in
accordance with ASME BPVC SEC VIII D1 and registered with the National
Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. The tank shall be mounted
so that the bottom of the tank is above the top of the engine. The tank
shall be supported by steel legs or bases for vertical installations or
steel saddles for horizontal installation.
Sound Limitations
NOTE: The noise limits shall conform to applicable
local and OSHA codes. The designer is responsible
for determining code noise limit requirements for
specific site applications. Specific information
regarding applicable noise limits should be inserted
in this section. Site specific requirements and
limitations are key components in the criteria
selection. Generally, the most cost effective
with building and room insulation to control noise.
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