Impact-test gear drive before shipment to determine the actual Reed
critical frequency of the drive. Submit results of impact tests. Pump
manufacturer shall address any discrepancy between calculated and actual
gear drive Reed critical frequency values as to whether or not design
changes are required to prevent harmful natural frequencies in pump/gear
drive structure. If any design changes are required, these shall be
incorporated at no cost to Government.]
[Lubricating System Tests
by Contracting Officer, to determine that system meets operational
requirements specified. At least one valve of each size furnished shall be
tested with the lubrication line removed from its bearing and fitted with a
pressure relief valve and pressure gage. The pressure relief valve shall
system shall be operated through one or more cycles as required to obtain
an accurate measurement of the quantity of lubricant delivered, which shall
be within plus or minus 20 percent of the theoretical delivery of the
respective valve. Any component parts that are damaged as the result of
these tests or that fail to meet the requirements of the specification
shall be replaced, reinstalled, and retested at the Contractor's expense.]
Factory Test
NOTE: Each different size pump should be given
performance tests.
Alternate specifications for the "Factory Test" have
been provided in this specification. Alternate 1
gives the manufacturer the option of testing either
the prototype pump (first pump produced) or a
homologous model of the pump. This alternative
should be used for all pumps having a diameter up to
and including 1200 mm (48 in.). Alternate 2, which
requires a homologous model of the pump be tested
for performance and NPSHR characteristics, should be
used for pumps having a diameter greater than 1200
mm (48 in.). Alternate 2 can also be used for pumps
smaller than 1200 mm (48 in.) in diameter if the
expected annual operating time is greater than 500
hours per year or for the special case when there is
no published NPSHR curve available.
NOTE: Select appropriate alternate paragraph.
In Alternate 2, the inclusion of the discharge water
passage is based on complexity of the passage and
should be decided in earlier design documents.
[Performance of [the][each size] pump to be furnished shall be accepted on
the basis of the factory test.[ Conduct this test using either a scale
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