installation and able to render satisfactory service to the equipment on a
regular and emergency basis during the warranty period of the contract.
Manufacturer's Nameplate
Each item of equipment shall have a nameplate bearing the manufacturer's
name, address, model number, and serial number securely affixed in a
conspicuous place; the nameplate of the distributing agent will not be
Modification of References
In each of the publications referred to herein, consider the advisory
provisions to be mandatory, as though the word, "shall" had been
substituted for "should" wherever it appears. Interpret references in
these publications to the "authority having jurisdiction", or words of
similar meaning, to mean the Contracting Officer.
For the International Code Council (ICC) Codes referenced in the contract
documents, advisory provisions shall be considered mandatory, the word
"should" shall be interpreted as "shall." Reference to the "code official"
shall be interpreted to mean the "Contracting Officer." For Navy owned
property, references to the "owner" shall be interpreted to mean the
"Contracting Officer." For leased facilities, references to the "owner"
shall be interpreted to mean the "lessor." References to the "permit
holder" shall be interpreted to mean the "Contractor."
Administrative Interpretations
For ICC Codes referenced in the contract documents, the provisions of
Chapter 1, "Administrator," do not apply. These administrative
requirements are covered by the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulations
(FAR) included in this contract and by the authority granted to the Officer
in Charge of Construction to administer the construction of this project.
References in the ICC Codes to sections of Chapter 1, shall be applied
appropriately by the Contracting Officer as authorized by his
administrative cognizance and the FAR.
Handle, store, and protect equipment and materials to prevent damage before
and during installation in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations, and as approved by the Contracting Officer. Replace
damaged or defective items.
NOTE: Use this paragraph for other than
Furnish motors, controllers, disconnects and contactors with their
respective pieces of equipment. Motors, controllers, disconnects and
Section 16402 INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Furnish internal wiring for
components of packaged equipment as an integral part of the equipment.
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