Oil used to fill the system shall be filtered through a 10 micron filter.
the system. Care shall be taken to exclude as much air as possible during
position with the piping connections up to allow air to escape, and the
piping shall be filled in a manner that excludes as much air as possible.
The system, once filled, shall be bled of air, operated, and periodically
bled during the first week of operation to remove any air that might have
been entrained in the system.
All exposed exterior surfaces of assemblies and equipment except stainless
steel, synthetic rubber, and plastic, shall be shop primed and coated as
specified in Section 09964 PAINTING: HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES unless the
equipment is given a standard factory finish as allowed by other paragraphs
of this specification. Insofar as is practicable, the complete coating
system shall be applied to individual components and items before assembly
to ensure complete coverage and maximum protection against corrosion.
Equipment such as the pumps which have a factory-finished coating do not
need to be recoated. Chips, scratches, and other damage to shop-applied
painted surfaces shall be repainted in the field.
Field Testing
The Contracting Officer shall be given 2 weeks notice before any field
testing is to be conducted. Any material, equipment, instruments, and
personnel required for the tests shall be provided by the Contractor.
Testing shall be conducted in the presence of the Contracting Officer
unless waived in writing and then a certified field test report shall be
submitted in accordance with paragraph SUBMITTALS. Testing shall be done
under the direction of the erection engineer or manufacturer's
Proof Testing
The piping system shall be hydrostatically tested to not less than 125
percent of the design working pressure. Any equipment that might be
damaged by this pressure shall be isolated or removed to prevent damage.
The proof test pressure shall be maintained for 12 hours. All welded,
flanged, flared, and threaded connections shall be carefully examined for
leakage, and all lines shall be inspected for evidence of deflection caused
by inadequate anchorage. No leakage or deflection will be allowed.
Final Acceptance Tests
In preparation for the final acceptance tests, and after completion of the
installation and proof tests, the Contractor shall operate the hydraulic
power system to prove acceptability. Preliminary tests shall be conducted
at minimum pressures and velocities until initial adjustments have been
proven safe for normal operation. Details of all operations shall be
constantly monitored for signs of impending trouble and corrections shall
be made as necessary to prevent damage to the equipment. At such time as
the Contracting Officer may direct, the Contractor shall conduct the
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