Hook Test
Measure hook for hook throat spread before and after load test. Establish
a throat dimension base measurement by installing two tram points and
measuring the distance between these tram points (plus or minus 0.4 mm 1/64
inch). Record this base dimension. Measure the distance between tram
points before and after load test. An increase in the throat opening by
more than five percent from the base measurement shall be cause for
No-Load Test
Raise and lower the hook through the full range of normal travel at rated
speed for three complete cycles. Raise and lower the hook, testing other
speeds of the crane. Verify proper operation of hoist limit switches.
Operate the bridge and trolley in each direction the full distance between
end stops. Operate through the entire speed range and verify proper brake
Load Tests
NOTE: For LANTNAVFACENGCOM, delete test loads of 50.
Perform the following tests, as specified, with test loads of 50, 100, and
125 percent (plus 5 minus 0) of rated load. If the hoist is equipped with
an overload limit device, disconnect it to allow the hoist to lift the test
load. Proof test the overload limit device after it is reconnected.
Static Load Test (125 percent only): Check entire structure,
holding brake and hoisting components as follows: Raise the test
load approximately 300 mm one foot. Hold the load for 10 minutes.
Rotate the load and hook to check bearing operation. Observe
lowering that may occur which indicates a weakness in the
structure or malfunction of hoisting components or brakes.
NOTE: For LANTNAVFACENGCOM, change "10 cycles" to
"5 cycles."
Raise and lower and test load through the full lift range. Lower
the load to the floor, wait 5 minutes, then raise and lower the
load through two more cycles. As a minimum, operate in each speed
for each test load. In addition, the dynamic test of test load
sequence number 2 (100 percent of rated load) shall be repeated
for 10 cycles at rated speed, in order to demonstrate proper
operation and repeatability of all functions without component
overheating or malfunction. Completely stop the machinery at
least once in each direction during each cycle to ensure proper
brake operation. The hoist shall not be stopped for more than 15
seconds prior to commencing the next cycle.
Hoist Load Brake (125 percent only): Raise test load approximately
1500 mm 5 feet. With the hoist controller in the neutral
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