Combination Fixed Temperature Rate-of-Rise Detectors
Designed for [surface] [semi-flush] outlet box mounting and supported
independently of conduit, tubing or wiring connections. Contacts shall be
self-resetting after response to rate-of-rise actuation. Operation under
fixed temperature actuation shall result in an external indication.
Detector units located in areas subject to abnormal temperature changes
shall operate on fixed temperature principle only.
Rate Compensating Detector
Designed for [surface] [flush] [vertical unit] outlet box mounting and
supported independently of conduit, tubing or wiring connections. Detectors
shall be hermetically sealed and automatically resetting type which will
operate when ambient air temperature reaches detector setting regardless of
rate of temperature rise. Detector operation shall not be subject to
thermal time lag.
Line-Type Heat Detectors
Provide [thermister] [or] [thermostatic] line-type heat detection cable
with weather-resistant outer covering. Cable shall be suitable for severe
industrial exposure. Cable shall be UL listed or FM approved, shall be
intermediate temperature rated as defined by NFPA 72 and shall operate on
fixed temperature only. Locate on tank perimeter and mount as recommended
by the manufacturer.
NOTE: Edit Section 16402, "Interior Distribution
System" and include as part of the project
NOTE: When project includes requirement for a
building fire alarm system, include Section 13852.
When project requires only tying into an existing
building fire alarm system, fire alarm wiring should
be specified in this section. Select the first
13852 Section title when using the basic NAVFAC
guide specification covering the subject work or
select the second title when using the EFD regional
guide specification covering the subject work.
Electrical work is specified in Section 16402 INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM,
except for control [and fire alarm] wiring. [Fire alarm system is
specified in Section [13852N INTERIOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEM] ["Fire Alarm and
Fire Detecting Systems (Local)"].]
Provide control wiring and connections to fire alarm systems, under this
section and conforming to NFPA 70 and NFPA 72. Wire for 120 volt circuits
shall be No. 12 AWG minimum solid conductor. Wire for low voltage DC
circuits shall be No. [14] [16] AWG minimum solid conductor [, except wire
to remote annunciators, if provided, may be 18 AWG minimum solid
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