NOTE: To provide added protection against damage
from pressure transients, specify thrust restraint
for earthquake protection to be in accordance with
NFPA 13 requirements for earthquake protection.
Consult TI 809-04 for any aspect of seismic design.
Installation methods outlined in NFPA 13 are mandatory. Protection of
piping against damage from earthquakes shall be provided. Longitudinal and
lateral sway bracing shall be provided for piping 65 mm 2-1/2 inch diameter
and larger.
Pipe Penetrations
Cutting structural members for passage of pipes or for pipe-hanger
fastenings will not be permitted. Pipes penetrating concrete or masonry
walls or concrete floors shall be provided with pipe sleeves fitted into
place at the time of construction through its respective wall or floor, and
shall be cut flush with each surface. Sleeve sizes and clearance between
pipe and sleeve shall be in accordance with NFPA 13. Where pipes pass
through fire walls, fire partitions, or floors, a fire seal shall be placed
between the pipe and sleeve in accordance with Section 07840 FIRESTOPPING.
Piping Pitch
Piping shall be pitched to the main drain or to auxiliary drains provided
as required to facilitate draining. Branch lines shall be pitched at least
4 mm in 1 m 1/2 inch in 10 feet and crossmains and feedmains shall be
pitched to at least 2 mm in 1 m 1/4 inch in 10 feet.
Escutcheons shall be provided at finished surfaces where exposed piping
passes through floors, walls, or ceilings except in boiler, utility, or
equipment rooms. Escutcheons shall be fastened securely to pipe and shall
be chromium-plated iron or chromium-plated brass, either one-piece or
split-pattern, held in place by internal spring tension or setscrew.
Main drain piping shall be provided to discharge at safe points outside
each building. Drains shall be of adequate size to readily receive the
full flow from each drain under maximum pressure. Auxiliary drains shall
be provided as required by NFPA 13 except that drain valves shall be used
where drain plugs are otherwise permitted. Where branch lines terminate at
low points and form trapped sections, such branch lines shall be manifolded
to a common drain line. Each drain valve shall be provided with a metal
sign identifying the type of drain connection or function of the valve.
Identification Signs
Signs shall be in accordance with NFPA 13. Properly lettered and approved
metal signs shall be suitably affixed to each control valve, inspector test
valve, main drain, auxiliary drain, test valve, and similar valves as
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