designed by the Contractor.
The Designer will provide the following information
in the contract documents for performance designed
systems. This information will be in accordance
with Military Handbook 1008C.
(1) Show the layout and size of all piping and
equipment from the point of connection to the water
supply, to the sprinkler cross mains. The contract
drawings must include a detailed sprinkler riser
diagram. Water velocity in the piping should not
exceed 6 m/s (20 ft/s).
(2) Show location and size of service mains,
interior feed mains, control valves, sprinkler
risers, drain lines, sectional valves, and
inspector's test valves and switches on the drawings.
(3) Specify waterflow data including hydrant flow
results, including the location where the hydrant
flow test was conducted, the location and size of
existing mains and new water supply lines that will
serve the sprinkler system (including all
supervisory valves), and the location and size of
all risers.
(4) Highlight or clearly indicate the area(s) to be
protected by sprinklers on the drawings.
(5) Specify waterflow requirements including the
design density, design area, the hose stream demand
(including location of the hose stream demand), the
duration of supply, and sprinkler spacing and area
of coverage in this section.
(6) Show the location of the backflow preventer
(including provisions for a drain and access for
on the drawings.
(7) Show all provisions necessary for forward flow
testing of the backflow preventer at system demand
as required by NFPA 13 on the drawings. Indicate
location of all components and required items
including test ports for pressure measurements both
upstream and downstream of the backflow preventer, a
drain to the building exterior, and appropriate,
permanent means of disposing of the large quantity
of water that will be involved in the initial test
and subsequent annual tests.
installation details, including piping, control
valves, mounting base.
(9) Highlight all concealed spaces on the drawings
that require sprinkler protection, such as spaces
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