Duct Detector Differential Pressure Test: Measure and record the
observed differential pressure between sampling tubes with
completed HVAC system operating normally to verify airflow
requirements through detector housing. Perform test on smoke
detector heads as specified above for smoke detectors.]
Final Acceptance Testing
The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer when the system is
ready for final acceptance testing. Request scheduling for final
acceptance testing only after all necessary preliminary tests have been
made and all deficiencies found have been corrected to the satisfaction of
the equipment manufacturer's technical representative and the Contracting
Officer, and written certification to this effect has been received by the
[EFD] [EFA] Fire Protection Engineer. The system shall be in service at
least 15 calendar days prior to final acceptance testing. The Contractor
shall allow at least [15] [_____] calendar days between the date final
testing is requested and the date the final acceptance testing takes place.
The Contractor shall furnish all appliances, equipment, instruments,
devices and personnel for this test. Furnish a minimum of three two-way
radios plus one additional radio for each remote annunciator, all operating
on the same frequency. The system shall be tested for approval in the
presence of representatives of the manufacturer, the Contracting Officer,
and the [EFD] [EFA] Fire Protection Engineer. All necessary tests shall be
made including the following, and any deficiency found shall be corrected
and the system retested.
Entire System
Test the entire system by operating all fire alarm initiating,
notification, and signaling devices. Perform tests with the system
operating on primary power and repeat the test with the system operating on
battery power only. Provide necessary equipment to test smoke detectors
and heat detectors.
Supervisory Systems
All aspects of the supervisory functions of the systems shall be operated.
Introduce faults in each circuit at random locations as directed by the
[EFD] [EFA] Fire Protection Engineer. Verify proper trouble annunciation
at the control panel.
Additional Tests
When deficiencies, defects or malfunctions develop during the tests
required, all further testing of the system shall be suspended until proper
adjustments, corrections or revisions have been made to assure proper
performance of the system. If these revisions require more than a nominal
delay, the Contracting Officer shall be notified when the additional work
has been completed, to arrange a new inspection and test of the fire alarm
system. All tests required shall be repeated prior to final acceptance,
unless directed otherwise.
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