Environmental Operating Requirements
NOTE: Check local condition for design wind gust
and ice loading. Lowest design wind speed is 160.9
km per hour (100 mph); typical design wind speed is
201.2 km per hour (125 mph).
The transmitter shall be designed for reliable outside operation in an
ambient temperature range of [-30] [_____] to [60] [_____] degrees C [-22]
[_____] to [140] [_____] degrees F. Transmitters shall be
corrosion-resistant and designed for reliable operation under adverse
climatic conditions including [160.9] [_____] km/hour [100] [_____] mph
winds, ice, rain, and snow storms.
Radio fire alarm transmitter [and interface housings] shall be factory
painted. The finish color shall be [fire engine red] [_____]. Painted
surfaces damaged during installation shall be repainted to match existing
not required, delete this paragraph.
The interface device shall provide a means of converting the signals that
are available from the local control equipment into a form that is
compatible with the transmitter inputs, while still maintaining electrical
supervision of the entire system. Interface devices shall be utilized when
direct connection between local control equipment and the transmitter is
not possible. Interface devices shall be completely assembled, wired,
tested at the factory, and delivered ready for installation and operation.
NOTE: Use with manual street boxes only.
When furnished as an independent self-contained device, the interface
device shall be incorporated into an enclosure conforming to NEMA ICS 1or
other national standard as required by its location.
NOTE: Use with manual street boxes only.
Indicators shall be provided to indicate alarm and trouble conditions and
shall consist of a red fire alarm and an amber trouble light. The
indicators shall be designed to ensure visibility during daylight hours and
to indicate the reporting zone.
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