Detailed test procedures, prepared and signed by a Registered
Professional Engineer or a NICET Level [3] [4] Fire Alarm
Technician, for the fire detection and alarm system [60] [_____]
days prior to performing system tests.
SD-06 Test Reports
Test reports, in booklet form, showing field tests performed to
prove compliance with the specified performance criteria, upon
completion and testing of the installed system. Each test report
shall document readings, test results and indicate the final
position of controls. The Contractor shall include the NFPA 72
Certificate of Completion and NFPA 72 Inspection and Testing Form,
with the appropriate test reports.
SD-07 Certificates
Certified copies of current approvals or listings issued by an
independent test lab if not listed by UL, FM or other nationally
recognized testing laboratory, showing compliance with specified
NFPA standards.
Proof of qualifications for required personnel. The installer
shall submit proof of experience for the Professional Engineer,
fire alarm technician, and the installing company.
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Operating and Maintenance Instructions
Technical Data and Computer Software
step-by-step procedures required for system startup, operation,
and shutdown. The instructions shall include the manufacturer's
name, model number, service manual, parts list, and complete
[Six] [_____] copies of maintenance instructions listing routine
maintenance procedures, possible breakdowns and repairs, and
troubleshooting guide.
The instructions shall include conduit layout, equipment layout
and simplified wiring, and control diagrams of the system as
installed. The instructions shall include complete procedures for
system revision and expansion, detailing both equipment and
software requirements. Original and backup copies of all software
delivered for this project shall be provided, on each type of
media utilized. Instructions shall be approved prior to training.
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