define and adjust the sensor detection zone within the video picture. The
number of detection zones, the size of the detection zones, and the
sensitivity of the detection zones shall be user definable. The sensor
shall be a modular system that allows for expansion or modification of the
number of inputs. The video inputs shall accept composite video as defined
in EIA 170. Sensor controls shall be mounted on the front panel or in an
adjacent rack panel. The sensor shall not require external sync for
operation. One alarm output shall be provided for each video input. The
number of video inputs and alarm outputs shall be as shown. All
components, cables, power supplies, and other items needed for a complete
video motion sensor shall be provided. Sensor equipment shall be rack
mounted in a standard 482 mm 19 inch rack as described in EIA ANSI/EIA-310-D.
The rack shall include hardware required to mount the sensor components.
Passive Ultrasonic Sensor
The passive ultrasonic sensor shall be integrated and designed into the
overall system to provide for audio detection of an intrusion of the
protected facility. The sensor, in conjunction with the control unit,
shall be capable of omni-directional audio coverage of approximately 557
square m 6,000 square feet of unrestricted building space. The sensor and
control unit pair shall also have the ability to perform a self-test
diagnosis during arming and disarming of the system and report failure of
sensor back to the central station. The sensor shall have an audio output
to the control unit in the frequency range of 300-12,000 Hz.
Test Indicator, Passive Ultrasonic Sensor
The sensor may be equipped with a test indicator if it is an integral
function of the sensor signal processor.
Remote Test, Passive Ultrasonic Sensor
A remote test capability shall be provided. The remote test hardware may
be integral to the sensor or a separate piece of equipment. The remote
test shall be initiated when commanded by the alarm annunciation system.
The remote test shall excite the sensing element and associated electronics
causing an alarm signal to be transmitted to the alarm annunciation system.
The sensor stimulation generated by the remote test hardware shall simulate
a standard intruder moving within the sensor's detection pattern.
Access/Secure Switches
NOTE: The designer should refer to TM 5-853-4 for
proper application of this piece of hardware.
An access/secure switch shall be used to place a protected zone in the
ACCESS or SECURE mode. The switch shall consist of a double pull
key-operated switch housed in a NEMA 12 equivalent enclosure. The switch
shall disable zone sensor alarm outputs, but shall not disable tamper
alarms, duress alarms, and other 24 hr sensors, as shown.
NOTE: Show sensor patterns and installation details
on drawings. Add requirement for additional site
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