GREEN to indicate that a zone is secure or that power is on.
Map Displays/Graphics Linked to Alarms
a. The System shall relate map displays or other graphics to alarms.
Whenever one of the predefined alarms is annunciated on a system control
terminal, the map display or graphic related to the alarm shall be
automatically displayed. The definition of which maps or graphics shall be
displayed with each alarm shall be selectable by system operators through
simple menu choices as part of the system initial configuration.
b. System graphics shall be provided to allow multiple levels of
information for the system operator. The initial level shall provide an
overall site map distinguishing sensored facilities and assets. Active
links or icons shall be used to trigger the display of subsequent maps,
providing greater detail and definition of the area symbolized. These
active links or icons shall be color dynamic, reflecting in real-time the
Multiple layers may be used to arrive at the specific device locations.
c. The system may utilize two monitors for text and map displays
respectively for enhancing operator performance.
User Defined Prompts/Messages Linked to Alarms
The System shall provide a means to relate operator defined prompts and
other messages to predefined alarms. Whenever one of the predefined alarms
is annunciated on a system control terminal, the prompts or messages
related to the alarm shall be automatically displayed.
System Test Software
This software shall enable the operator to initiate a test of the system.
This test can be of the entire system or of a particular portion of the
system at the operator's option. The results of each test shall be stored
for future display or print out in report form.
Software shall be provided with commands to generate reports for
displaying, printing, and storing on disk and tape. Reports shall be
stored by type, date, and time and shall be printed on the report printer.
Reports shall be spooled, allowing the printing of one report to be
complete before the printing of another report commences. The dynamic
operation of the system shall not be interrupted to generate a report. The
report generation mode, either periodic, automatic or on request, shall be
operator selectable. The report shall contain the time and date when the
report was printed, and the name of operator generating the report. The
exact format of each report type shall be operator configurable.
a. Periodic Automatic Report Modes: The system shall allow for
specifying, modifying, or inhibiting the report to be generated, the
time the initial report is to be generated, the time interval between
reports, end of period, and the output peripheral.
b. Request Report Mode: The system shall allow the operator to
request at any time an immediate printout of any report.
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