provide for connection of as many as [255] [_____] control units.
When operating without line repeaters or other signal regenerating
or amplifying devices, communication system shall maintain
specified performance over a link length of 2287 meters 7500 feet.
When operating with signal-regenerating line repeaters,
link length of 22 865 meters 75,000 feet. Control unit to central
also be capable of operating over a maximum of [two] [four]
[_____] standard voice grade telephone leased or proprietary
lines. Link shall be capable of operating half duplex over a Type
3002 data transmission pair and be capable of modular expansion.
Telephone lines shall be provided by the Government. Coordinate
and check out system operation. General characteristics and
telephone line service shall be as follows:
Two- or four-wire
600 ohms
Transmitting level:
0 to 12 dBm
Transmitting level adjustment:
3 dB increments
Two-way alternate (half duplex)
Maximum speed:
[1.2] [5.12] [10.24] [_____] kilobaud
Maximum loss at 1000 Hz:
33 dB.
Video hardwire links shall be as specified in paragraph entitled
"Video Transmission."
Radio Frequency Link
NOTE: Radio frequency links may not be allowed on
some Government facilities. Recommended usage for
RF links is as backup to hardwire links or to a
remote location lacking telephone lines. OPNAV
Instruction 2400.20E requires that funds shall not
be obligated for procurement of radio equipment
obtained. As soon as possible, but no later than
schematic design, the designer shall contact the
area radio frequency coordinator (usually the base
radio officer) to determine the availability of
activity submits a DD Form 1494, "Application for
Frequency Allocation," for a Stage 1 ("Conceptual
Development") allocation (see DD Form 1494
Preparation Guide). Stage 1 allocation authority
(i.e., approval) must be obtained prior to
advertisement of the contract.
The 138 to 150.8 MHz band is the preferred range
since specific frequencies in this range are
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