making it impossible to defeat the system by climbing at the
anchor post. Barbed wire used in the system shall be suitable for
installation under a preload tension of approximately 392 N 88
pounds and be flexible enough for convenient manipulation during
tensioning. Double-strand 15 1/2-gage barbed wire shall be the
minimum acceptable. Sensor zone control unit shall monitor up to
[10] [_____] zones. Provide relay outputs to interface alarm
120/208 volts ac.
Gate units: Provide in accordance with specific fence sensor
manufacturer's recommendations to ensure continuous fence sensor
zone protection for the entire protected perimeter. Provide gate
unit for each fence portal. When gate units are not provided by
the fence sensor manufacturer, provide separately zoned BMS gate
sensors. Sensors shall perform as specified in paragraph entitled
"Balanced Magnetic Switches (BMS)." In addition, for a double
gate, since both BMS elements must be mounted on the gate,
electrical connection shall be jumpered within a flexible armored
cord constructed from corrosion-resistant metal. Each end of the
armored cord shall terminate in a junction box or other enclosure.
Secure armored cord ends mechanically to the junction boxes by
clamps or bushings. Provide conductors within the armored cord
with lug terminals at each end. Jumpered conductors and the
armored cord shall experience no mechanical strain as gate is
moved from fully open to closed.
Barrier protection: Provide for exterior facility barriers other
than fences by the employment of [electrostatic field sensors]
[taut-wire sensors] [mounted on the barrier] [in a stand-alone
configuration]. Divide the facility barrier perimeter sensor
length electronically into [100-meter] [four] [_____] zones.
Install sensors [on the exterior side of the barrier] [and] [as
recommended by the manufacturer]. Sensors shall be as specified
in the paragraph entitled ["Electrostatic Field Sensors"]
["Taut-Wire Sensors"].
Duress Alarms
UL 636.
Hardwire duress alarms: Provide at points within the protected
area as indicated. Alarms shall be capable of being secretly
activated by the foot or hand of an average adult in both standing
and seated positions. Alarms shall not be visible or audible from
the sensor. Alarm signal shall lock-in upon activation until
manually reset with a key or similar device and shall be readily
identifiable by the IDS. Sensors shall be easy to operate and
designed to minimize the possibility of accidental activation.
Hardwire duress alarms shall be rated for a minimum lifetime of
50,000 operations. Securely mount sensors in rugged,
corrosion-resistant housing.
Radio frequency duress alarms: Duress alarms shall consist of a
compact and lightweight transmitter enclosed in a case that can be
easily worn at the waist on a belt. Each transmitter shall have a
unique identification code. The transmitter shall be capable of
transmitting 2 watts of RF power. Each transmitter shall transmit
up to [500] [_____] times on the power provided by internal
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