NOTE: The following information shall be shown on
electrical power cabinets;
2. Site plan: Exterior devices and routing of
conductors and conduit into building;
3. Single line type system riser diagram.
Connection of equipment should be indicated for
typical system chosen for cost estimating purposes;
Single line type electrical riser diagram; and
5. Mounting: Details for each device required for
complete installation, including junction boxes for
recessed BMS where required. Include device height
and installation of wiring.
The device symbol presents an easy to use and
efficient means of identifying the essential
features of the security engineering design effort.
The symbol provides a method by which the
phenomenology of the device, necessary identifying
details related to the phenomenology of the device,
and the means by which the device is positioned or
mounted can be readily indicated on the engineering
plans. The symbol also provides a means of
identifying the device in order to develop accurate
bills of material and system diagrams. The tables
presented are suggested usage and can be modified as
necessary to suit the particular design effort.
The "Completed Device Legend" is presented to
illustrate actual devices and the legend detail
needed on submitted plans.
1. Device type: A single letter code used to
indicate the phenomenology of the device. Refer to
the device type list.
2. Device detail: A single letter code used to
differentiate between similar type devices. Refer
to the device detail list.
3. Mounting detail: A single letter code used to
indicate the mounting means or positioning of the
device. Refer to the mounting detail list.
4. Identifier: Can be any alphanumeric sequence
which allows identification of individual device.
Room number with alpha character is particularly
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