Cleaning of Piping
System piping shall be flushed with clean, fresh water prior to concealment
of any individual section and prior to final operating tests. Prior to
flushing piping, relief valves shall be isolated or removed. Solar
collectors shall be covered to prevent heating of cleaning fluid, unless
cleaning is performed during hours of darkness. The solution shall be
circulated through the section to be cleaned at the design flow rate for a
minimum of 2 hours.
Framed instructions under glass or in laminated plastic shall be posted
where directed. These instructions shall include a system schematic, and
wiring and control diagrams showing the complete layout of the entire
maintenance procedures, balanced flow rates, methods of checking the system
for normal safe operation, and procedures for safely starting and stopping
the system shall be prepared in typed form, framed as specified above, and
posted beside the diagrams. Proposed diagrams, instructions, and other
sheets shall be submitted for approval prior to posting. The framed
instructions shall be posted before acceptance testing of the system.
Acceptance Testing and Final Inspection
Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer 7 calendar days before the
performance and acceptance tests are to be conducted. Tests shall be
performed in the presence of the Contracting Officer. Contractor shall
furnish all instruments and personnel required for the tests. Electricity
and water shall be furnished by the Government. A written record of the
results of all acceptance tests shall be maintained, to be submitted in
booklet form. The tests shall be as follows:
As-Built Drawings
The Contractor shall provide as a condition of final acceptance a complete
set of as-built system drawings. Drawings shall clearly indicate the
actual condition of the installed solar energy system at the time of the
final test.
Contractor shall demonstrate to Contracting Officer that all piping has
been hydrostatically tested at a pressure of 862 kPa 125 pounds per square
inch for a period of time sufficient for inspection of every joint in the
system and in no case less than 2 hours. Expansion tank and relief valves
shall be isolated from test pressure. Gauges used in the test shall have
been calibrated within the 6-month period preceding the test. Test shall
be witnessed by Contracting Officer. No loss of pressure shall be allowed.
Leaks found during tests shall be repaired by replacing pipe or fittings
and the system retested. Caulking of joints shall not be permitted.
System Flushing
For the final inspection, the system shall be thoroughly flushed, in no
case for less than 2 hours,of all foreign matter until a white linen bag
installed in a strainer basket shows no evidence of contamination. The
white linen bag shall be in the strainer basket during the entire flushing
operation prior to its being presented to the Contracting Officer for
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