Solar Collector Array
Net Absorber Area and Array Layout
NOTE: The minimum array aperture area allowed for
the project is that collector array area associated
with the highest LCC savings by the SOLFEAS solar
feasibility study computer program. The array
layout should be completed according to the methods
discussed in TM 5-804-2. For flow balancing
purposes, each bank must have the same number of
collectors. Banks must contain between 4 and 7
collectors each. Generally, the array should follow
building lines, but must keep within 20 degrees of
due south. Care should be taken to distinguish
between magnetic and due south for the project
location. Row spacing is a function of the
collector height and projection location;
methodology for determining this spacing is given in
TM 5-804-2. It is imperative to proper construction
of the system that the array layout be accurately
shown on the drawings. Items to be shown on the
drawings must include:
a. SOLFEAS result for minimum array size
b. Total array size to be installed
c. Bank size (4, 5, 6, or 7 collectors) and number
of banks
d. Minimum row spacing in event of multiple rows of
e. Array orientation with respect to true south.
Array shall consist of an assembly of solar collectors as shown with a
minimum total array aperture area of [_____] square meters square feet.
Solar collectors shall be assembled as shown in banks of equal number of
collectors. Banks shall consist of no less than 4 and no more than 7
collectors each. Collector array shall be oriented so that all collectors
face the same direction and are oriented within 20 degrees of true south
and with respect to true south as indicated. Collectors arranged in
multiple rows shall be spaced so that no shading from other collectors is
evident between 1000 hours and 1400 hours solar time on December 21.
Minimum spacing between rows shall be as shown.
NOTE: The reverse-return strategy is important to
proper array operation. Because this strategy
results in what may be initially perceived by the
contractor as excess piping, it is important that
the array piping be shown and indicated on the
drawing as satisfying this requirement. Rules,
methodology, and examples of the reverse-return
strategy are given in TM 5-804-2. Collector loop
flow rate should be determined by multiplying the
recommended flow rate per collector by the number of
collectors to be installed. Collector headers must
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