(5) Apply two layers of half-lapped pressure sensitive
polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride tape.]
[(1) Remove insulation to expose approximately 50 mm 2 inches of
each conductor.
(2) Make connection between conductors using solderless crimp
connector or exothermic weld.
Cover connection with pre-manufactured splice kit.]]
g. Anode junction box. Mark each of the wires terminating in the
junction box. Install anode junction box as shown in the drawings
[prior to pouring the concrete slab].
Installing lead wires. Connect anode lead wires to the
appropriate terminals in the anode junction box.
Horizontal Anodes
Excavation for anodes: Excavate anode trenches to [the depth
indicated, 610 mm two feet longer than the anode, 305 mm one foot
wide] [the depth, length, and width indicated].
Excavation for wire trench: Excavate lead [and main feeder] wire
trenches to [the depth indicated] [not less than [455] [610] mm
[18] [24] inches deep], [[150] [_____] mm[6] [_____] inches wide]
[width as indicated].
Lifting anodes: Do not lift or support anode by the lead wire.
Exercise care to preclude damaging the anode and the lead wire
Installing anodes: Place [100] [_____] mm [4] [_____] inches of
coke breeze in the anode trench and tamp well. Center the anode
in the trench and cover with coke breeze to provide a minimum
[100] [_____] mm [4] [_____] inch cover over the anode. Tamp the
coke breeze firm taking care not to strike and damage the anode
lead wire. [Place a vent pipe vertically above the anode. Cut
the pipe to sufficient length to extend from 75 mm 3 inches within
the coke breeze to 75 mm 3 inchesbelow finish grade. Place gravel
around the vent pipe to a level 150 mm 6 inches below finish
grade.] Fill the remaining excavation with soil and tamp.
Installing lead wires: Provide anodes with lead wires of
sufficient length to extend to the anode junction box without
splicing. Cover the lead [and main feeder] wire trench bottom
with a 75 mm 3 inch layer of sand or stone free earth. Center
wire on the backfill layer. Handle to prevent damage to the cable
and insulation, do not stretch or kink the conductor. Place
backfill over wire in layers not exceeding 150 mm 6 inches deep,
compacting each layer thoroughly. Do not place tree roots, wood
scrap, vegetable matter, and refuse in the backfill. Place cable
warning tape, within [455] [_____] mm [18] [_____] inches of
finished grade, above buried cable and conduit.
NOTE: Splices and damaged anode lead wire
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