Current Sharing.
Voltage Drop Measurements
The voltage drop measurements on both ac and dc filters shall be performed
with the components mounted in the filter/ESA assembly enclosure or mounted
on a metal plate by the same holding method that will be used for mounting
in the enclosure. For ac rated filters, measurements shall be made by
using expanded scale-type meters. For dc rated filters, measurements shall
be made by using a dc meter when the filter is carrying rated current and
rated voltage.
Insertion Loss Measurements
Insertion loss measurements for power filters shall have the following
modifications. The filters shall be installed in the filter/ESA assembly
enclosure. The load current power supply shall operate at the rated
voltage of the filters and shall be capable of providing any current from
no-load through rated full-load current. The rf signal generator shall be
a swept continuous wave (cw) source. The buffer networks shall be modified
to permit valid measurements over the entire frequency band on which
insertion loss requirements are specified (14 kHz-1 Ghz). The receiver or
network analyzer shall be capable of operating over the entire frequency
band on which insertion loss requirements are specified (14 kHz-1 Ghz).
Sensitivity shall be adequate to provide a measurement dynamic range at
least 10 dB greater than the insertion loss requirement. The load
impedance shall be resistive and shall be capable of dissipating the rated
full-load filter current. Insertion loss measurements shall be made at 20
percent, 50 percent, and 100 percent of the filter full-load operating
current. Insertion loss measurements for communication/signal line filters
shall be performed the same as for power filters except that the insertion
loss measurements are required at a load impedance equal to the image
impedance of the filter. No load insertion loss measurements shall be
performed over the frequencies defined in the EM shielding effectiveness
attenuation requirements for both power and communication filters.
[Testing shall be load to source for TEMPEST.] [Testing shall be source to
load for HEMP.]
Filter Life Test at Elevated Ambient Temperature
This test is conducted for the purpose of determining the effects on
electrical and mechanical characteristics of a filter, resulting from
exposure of the filter to an elevated ambient temperature for a specified
length of time, while the filter is performing its operational function.
resistance, and capacitance are types of measurements that would show the
deleterious effects due to exposure to elevated ambient temperatures. A
suitable test chamber shall be used which will maintain the temperature at
the required test temperature and tolerance. Temperature measurements
shall be made within a specified number of unobstructed inches from any one
filter or group of like filters under test. This test shall be made in
still air. Specimens shall be mounted by their normal mounting means.
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