Doors shall be fit, hung, and trimmed as required. Doors shall be
installed with a clearance of 2 mm 1/16 inch at sides and top and minimum
adequate clearance at bottom. Lock edge shall be beveled 3 mm, 1/8 inch,
and hardware shall be adjusted as required. Warp or twist of lead-lined
doors after doors have been hung and finished shall not exceed 6 mm 1/4 inch
in any face dimension of door including full diagonal. Cuts required for
installation shall be sealed with a clear varnish or sealer.
Door Hardware
Bolts and screws which penetrate lead lining shall be recessed on the side
of the door opposite hardware and shall be plugged with lead plugs to match
face of door. Nuts for securing surface-applied hardware such as hinges,
door closers and automatic door operators shall be countersunk and covered
with lead-lined 1.59 mm thick 16 gauge stainless steel pans. Stainless
steel pans shall be secured with round-head screws with dull
chromium-plated finish. Cutouts for lock sets and latch cases shall be
patched with sheet lead. Lead lining of the lock set and lead lining of
the door shall be lapped to provide x-ray absorption equal to the door.
View Windows
View windows shall be installed in doors with hardwood stops to match face
veneer. Stops shall be glued to door on corridor side and shall be
fastened with countersunk oval head screws or finishing nails.
Lead Louvers
Lead louvers shall be installed in doors with cadmium-plated or
chromium-plated screws. Fastenings shall not penetrate lead lining of the
Finish plywood-hinged screens and fixed screens after installation in the
same manner as that specified for doors. Edge strips are not required for
fixed screens. At corners or where screen abuts a wall or floor, provide a
lap of lead. [Build-in viewing window of lead glass or acrylic with lead
equivalence [indicated.] [matching adjacent panel].]
NOTE: NCRP Reports 49, 51, and 102 will be included
for surveying medical facilities. NCRP Report 35
will be included for surveying dental clinics. For
facilities incorporating medical and dental x-ray
installations, NCRP Reports 35, 49 and 51 or 102
will be included.
Before and after x-ray equipment has been installed and placed in operating
condition, the x-ray installation shall be surveyed by a qualified expert
as defined in [NCRP Rpt 35] [NCRP Rpt 49] [NCRP Rpt 102] [or] [NCRP Rpt 51
]. Survey shall be performed in accordance with [NCRP Rpt 35] [NCRP Rpt 49
] [NCRP Rpt 102] [or] [NCRP Rpt 51]. Four copies of surveyor's report
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