accomplished at no additional cost to the government.
Coating Repair
If welding is required after application of the coating or if the coating
is damaged in any way, repair shall consist of preparing the affected area
in compliance with SSPC SP 6 and reapplying the coating to that area. If
holidays are detected or film thickness is insufficient, the surface shall
be prepared and additional coats applied in the affected area in compliance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
The Contractor shall perform all field tests. The Contractor shall provide
all labor, equipment, and incidentals required for the tests, (except that
water required for the field tests will be supplied). The Contracting
Officer will witness all field tests and conduct all field inspections.
The Contractor shall give the Contracting Officer [14] [_____] days prior
notice of the dates and times for acceptance tests. Any deficiencies found
shall be rectified and work affected by such deficiencies shall be
completely retested at the Contractor's expense.
Basin Leakage Test
After completion of the installation and as soon as practical, a leakage
test shall be conducted on the CLR basin. The basin shall be filled with
clean water and left standing for 24 hours. Basin leakage shall not exceed
25 mm 1 inch drop in water surface elevation in 24 hours. Any leaks
encountered shall be repaired and the basin shall be retested. The basin
shall be watertight prior to proceeding with the tests specified below.
Operating Tests
After completion of the installation and as soon as practical, an operating
test of the CLR and all equipment shall be performed to demonstrate that
the system functions properly. The tests shall include all manufacturer's
recommended tests for equipment vibration, horizontal and vertical
alignment and structural integrity. Wattage Horsepower [and air flow
rates] shall be checked and verified with the manufacturer's design data
for the specified equipment. Aerator wattage horsepower shall be nameplate
plus or minus five percent. After completion of all tests, the system
shall be adjusted for proper operation in accordance with the
manufacturer's written instructions and the operating and maintenance
Velocity Test
After completion of the basin leakage and operating tests, a velocity test
shall be conducted on the basin. Velocity cross-sections shall be taken at
a distance of 3 m 10 feet upstream of the shaft centerline of each aerator.
Each cross-section shall consist of a minimum of 16 velocity measurements
equidistantly spaced so that the distance between measurement points does
not exceed 1.2 m 4 feet vertically or horizontally. Measurement points
at each cross-section shall not be less than 0.3 m/s 1.0 fps. Where
average velocities are found to be less than that specified, the Contractor
shall make modifications to the system as needed to produce the required
velocities at the Contractor's expense.
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