coats of amine-cured coal tar epoxy to 0.36 to 0.51 mm 14.0 to 20.0 mils
total dft.
Coating Testing
Coatings shall be examined for flaws and tested for thickness and holidays.
Thickness of coatings shall be measured by a commercial film thickness
gauge. Coatings shall be tested for pinholes, holidays, and other defects
with an electric flaw detector equipped with an audible signal that
operates when a pinhole is detected. The detector shall be a 90-volt wet
sponge pinhole detector.
Coating Repair
If welding is required after application of the coating or if the coating
is damaged in any way, repair shall consist of preparing the affected area
in compliance with SSPC SP 10 and reapplying the coating to that area. If
holidays are detected or film thickness is insufficient, the surface shall
be prepared and additional coats applied in the affected area in compliance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
The plant shall be installed such that proper wastewater flow through the
plant will be achieved.
Excavation, filling, and backfilling shall be in accordance with Section
02300 EARWTHWORK. A reinforced concrete foundation pad, of the size and
design recommended by the treatment plant manufacturer, shall be installed
in accordance with Section [03300A CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE][03300N
The treatment plant and equipment shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's written instructions.
Testing and Adjusting
Prior to backfilling, all tanks, wet-wells, piping, valves, and
appurtenances shall be filled and inspected for leaks per manufacturer's
specifications. All leaks shall be repaired by removal of defective
materials or rewelding. Use of caulking compounds is not permitted.
Testing and repairs shall be repeated until tanks, wetwells, piping,
valves, and appurtenances are free from leaks. As soon as practicable
after completion, an operating test of the treatment plant and all
equipment shall be performed to demonstrate that the plant functions
properly. After completion of all tests, the plant shall be adjusted for
proper operation while on-line with the wastewater source in accordance
with the manufacturer's written instructions. For final acceptance plant
must perform as specified.
Services of a manufacturer's representative who is experienced in the
installation, adjustment, and operation of the equipment specified shall be
provided. The representative shall supervise the installation, adjustment,
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