and specified as required. The coatings specified
herein are two-component coating that dry upon
chemical reaction, and they have a tendency to
remain wet for long periods, therefore, some
containment is desirable where overspray will damage
property. For preparation/painting of elevated
water tanks, for instance, some measures of
containment are generally desirable. SSPC Guide 6,
has four classes of containment, from Class 1 being
the highest level of control. Generally Classes 1
and 2 are only required for removal of hazardous
materials, while Class 3 is probably desirable for
repainting an elevated water tank in a congested
area. Class 4 requires minimal "knockdown" of
airborne debris, and is not generally usable as an
airborne particulate control measure.
The contractor shall design and provide a containment system for the
capture, containment, collection, storage and disposal of the waste
materials generated by the work under this specification Section, to meet
the requirements of SSPC Guide 6, Class [1][2][3]4[]. Waste materials
covered by this paragraph shall not include any material or residue from
removal of coatings containing lead, chromium, cadmium, PCB, or any other
hazardous material. It is the contractors responsibility to insure the
feasibility and workability of the containment system. The contractor shall
perform his operations and work schedule in a manner as to minimize leakage
of the containment system. The containment system shall be properly
maintained and shall not deviate from the approved drawings, without the
Contracting Officers approval. If at any time during the execution of the
work, the containment system fails to function satisfactory in the opinion
of the Contracting Officer, the contractor shall suspend all operations,
except those required to minimize adverse impact on the environment or
been made to correct the cause of the failure. Modifications shall be
approved by the Contracting Officer.
NOTE: When editing this specification for
maintenance coating work for which SSPC SP 12 Water
Cleaning or Jetting surface preparation is to be
allowed, include note for the contractor to use
adjust water quality to assure appropriate surface
preparation and final surface requirements. There
are many problems that might arise from both
dissolved and suspended material. A common
occurrence is water with high-chlorides, even in
suitable for water jetting.
pressure type. Maintain a minimum pressure of 650 kPa 95 psig at nozzle.
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