contaminated surfaces, wash as discussed in article entitled
"Pre-Preparation Testing for Soluble Salts Contamination," allow to dry,
and re-test until all required tests show allowable results. Reblast
tested areas using vacuum equipped blast equipment. Label all test tubes
and retain for test verification.
Pre-Application Testing for Surface Cleanliness
Apply coatings to dust free surfaces. To test surfaces, apply strip of
clear adhesive tape to surface and rub onto surface with finger. When
removed, the tape should show little or no dust, blast abrasive, or other
contaminant. Reject contaminated surfaces, clean by vacuum cleaning, and
retest. Test surfaces at rate of three tests for the first 100 square
meters 1000 square feet plus one test for each additional 100 square meters
1000 square feet or part thereof. Provide two additional tests for each
failed test or questionable test. Attach test tapes to Daily Inspection
Preparation of Sealant and Coating Materials for Application
Each of the different products, sealant, epoxy primer, epoxy intermediate,
and fluoropolyurethane topcoat, is a two-component material supplied in
separate containers.
Mixing Sealant, Primer and Intermediate Coat Materials
Mix in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, which may differ for
each product. Do not mix partial kits, or alter mix ratios. Mix materials
in same temperature and humidity conditions specified in article entitled
"Delivery and Storage." Allow mixed material to stand for the required
Mixing Topcoat Material
Do not mix partial kits, or alter mix ratios. Mix fluoropolyurethane
coating materials in same temperature and humidity conditions specified in
article entitled "Humidity Control for Application of Intermediate and
Topcoats and Initial Curing." The Component A (base) material should be
thoroughly mixed with mechanical agitation and the Component B (activator)
should be lightly shaken prior to mixing. Do not "box" (pour from can to
can) except one time to examine the bottom of Component A can to ensure
pigment has been mixed. After Component A has been thoroughly mixed, pour
contents of Component B into Component A while under light agitation and
stir well for approximately three to five minutes prior to application.
Use a mixer that does not create a vortex. Do not add solvent without
specific written recommendation from the manufacturer. No induction time
is required, only thorough agitation of the mixed material. The
fluoropolyurethane coating material is moisture sensitive and any
introduction of moisture or water into the material during mixing or
application will shorten usable pot life.
Pot Life
Apply mixed products within stated pot life for each product. Stop
applying when material becomes difficult to apply in a smooth, uniform wet
film. Do not add solvent to extend pot life. Add all required solvent at
time of mixing. Pot life is based on standard conditions at 21 degrees C
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