Ferrous Surface Preparation
SSPC Blasting/Cleaning Levelsa - Primer Types/Exposures
SP 6d, SP 12 WJ-3
SP 10,
SP 12 WJ2
or SP 5
SP 12 WJ1
If it is not possible to abrasive blast or use water jetting, SP 11 is
recommended. It is considered equivalent to SP 6. SP 11 is also
preferred wherever SP 2 or SP 3 are shown in the Table.
These are minimum requirements. A high-performing system
may be a
better choice for longer performance.
For marine, chemical, or immersion service, or application of heat
resistant or nonslip floor coatings. SP 10 is preferred for zinc-rich
primers, and for extremely severe environments where long-term
performance is desired.
Use water jetting to SP 12 WJ-3, as alternate to SP 6 degree of
Use only the steam clean, or non-alkaline detergent solutions of SP 1.
First, remove chalk and dirt with a non-alkaline detergent solution,
and follow with power wash at minimum 2000 psi. Second, spot clean, in
order of preference by SP 6, SP 11, SP 7, SP 3, or SP 2.
First, remove chalk and dirt with a non-alkaline detergent solution,
and follow with power wash at minimum 2000 psi. Second, spot clean, in
order of preference, by SP 10, SP 6, or SP 11.
SSPC SP 12 provides four levels of water jetting cleanliness and they
reflect the four levels of abrasive blast cleanliness but direct
correlation is inaccurate or inappropriate. The four levels are (best to
worst): WJ-1, WJ-2, WJ-3, and WJ-4. They are equivalent to the abrasive
blast standards SSPC SP 5, SP 10, SP 6, and SP 7. The standard also
includes three levels of cleanliness for nonvisual contaminants, SC-1,
SC-2, and SC-3. The preferred level of cleanliness is between SC-1 or
Ferrous Surfaces including Shop-coated Surfaces and Small Areas
That Contain Rust, Mill Scale and Other Foreign Substances:
Solvent clean or detergent wash in accordance with SSPC SP 1 to
remove oil and grease. Where shop coat is missing or damaged,
clean according to [SSPC SP 2], [SSPC SP 3], [SSPC SP 6], or [SSPC
SP 10]. [Brush-off blast remaining surface in accordance with
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