Frames and Sash
Corners and Reinforcement
NOTE: Specify mechanically fixed and sealed or
welded corners for most applications. Specify only
welded corners for cold climate applications.
Corners of PVC frames and sashes shall be [mechanically fixed and sealed or
welded] [welded]. Reinforce frames and sash as necessary to meet the
requirements for the performance classes or grades specified herein.
Ventilating sash shall be adjustable vertically and horizontally to ensure
smooth operation.
Drips and Weep Holes
NOTE: Include the first two sentences when operable
windows are included in the project, otherwise
[Provide continuous drips over heads of top ventilators. Where fixed
windows adjoin ventilators, provide continuous drips across tops of fixed
windows.] Provide drips and weep holes as required to return water to the
Provisions for Glazing
NOTE: Specify glass thickness in Section 08800,
"Glazing." Inside glazing is preferred, especially
for windows above first floor and other locations
where access is difficult. Windows designed for
inside glazing may not be available in double-hung
type. Check manufacturer's literature. Where
project requires insulating glass, show sash
members, glazing beads, and hardware of sufficient
size and weight to receive and support glass of
specified thickness. Allow sufficient space between
each side of insulating glass and frame for glazing
compound or glazing gaskets and expansion as well as
sufficient space between edges of glass and frame.
Drawings should clearly indicate method for securing
insulating glass in place. Specify windows which
will require glazing beads if they are indicated as
such; specify vinyl, EPDM or silicone rubber gaskets
in Section 08800, "Glazing." Do not use glazing
compound, vinyl glazing gaskets or exterior glazing
beads in cold climates; dry glaze with EPDM or
silicone rubber gaskets.
Design windows and rabbets suitable for glass thickness shown [or
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